Tuesday 24 February 2015


It has been a busy few weeks. I feel like since we moved, I haven't really had the chance to stop and chill out. Not that I have found the time now, I was feeling guilty for neglecting my blog again so I'm cramming in some time to post. Since my last post, I had a birthday, anniversary, Valentine's day, saw a musical, travelled home a couple of times and had A's mum, aunt and uncle over for a week while they cleared out the house.

My birthday and anniversary are on the same day, shortly followed by valentines day. (Lucky me, I get spoiled!) I didn't do very much for my birthday until the weekends following, but I got some lovely gifts and cards on the day, as well as cake!

Andrews mum, aunt and uncle came down on my birthday, and we suddenly had a very full house. While they were there clearing out the house, we tried to keep out of their way.

The weekend following my birthday (while A's family were still at the house), we met my bff and her partner halfway between where we live, and where they live and went for lunch. This turned into going back to theirs and staying the night, which was fun. On the Sunday we went for a long walk with her greyhounds, had lunch, then Andrew and I said our goodbyes and headed to the cinema. 1 film later it was time to drive the 2 hours home.

I had my first work bookclub on Tuesday evening, which if the empty bottles of wine have any say was a successful evening. Yay me - it was kind of my idea so I was pleased it went well!

Andrews family stayed until Wednesday. While it was nice to have them over, it was also nice to have some time to ourselves again.

Friday I was at a German beer evening with work, many a stein was drunk (I had 2, so actually not that many).

The weekend came around, and we were busy saturday morning with the charity that had come to pick up a load of stuff. Saturday evening we went to see Wicked - and had use of the VIP lounge. Thank you Andrew! The show was amazing. Despite knowing the big thing that happens before the interval, it still gave me goosebumps!

Sunday we went on a long walk through awful mud - I slipped over in it - then visited Andrews family before having dinner and watching a film with mine. Back late again on Sunday evening.

That has been my life - around working - up until now! Hope you have had a good couple of weeks...I plan to be posting more regularly so I should be popping up again this week!

Happy Tuesday...

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