
Friday 30 January 2015

1 day to go!

I move out tomorrow.


Excited doesn't quite cover it! I am so looking forward to this, it's about time! I am a bit anxious about the money side of it, but I think we will be okay. We just need to really knuckle down and keep track of what we're spending...

A big part of me wants to go mad and decorate the whole house. The other, more logical, part of me says that would not be a good idea, as we are renting and therefore it is not practical to put a lot of money into it. Waaaaaa

My to do list feels like it keeps getting longer rather than smaller, and I definitely am bringing more stuff than I had anticipated...

[x] Pack Tech book
[x] Pack Nail cutters and files
[x] Pack makeup
[x] Pack workout clothes
[x] Pack straighteners
[x] Pack measuring tape
[x] Pack tools
[x] Pack shoes
[x] Use bath stuff
[x] Give away bath stuff
[x] Pack torch
[x] Pack other stationary
[x] Pack pens
[x] Pack car folder
[x] Pack Mugs
[x] Pack scrap book stuff
[x] Pack paper
[x] Pack notepads
[x] Pack workout DVDs
[x] Pack Clean eating recipe book
[x] Pack Big bang theory
[x] Pack HIMYM
[x] Pack whiteboard head
[x] Bras
[x] Underwear
[x] Socks
[ ] Clean hiking boots
[ ] Clear out boot of car
[ ] Back up laptop
[ ] Take down photos
[ ] Pack clothes
[ ] Pack whiteboard
[ ] Pack calendar
[ ] Pack Nail varnish
[ ] Pack Onesies
[ ] Pack Hot water bottle
[ ] Pack Laptop and charger
[ ] Pack Chargers
[ ] Pack Extension cables
[ ] Pack External hard drive
[ ] Pack protein
[ ] Pack Protein shaker
[ ] Pack documents folder
[ ] Pack q & a journal
[ ] Pack yoga mat
[ ] Pack weights
[ ] Buy washing detergent
[ ] kitchen Sink drainer
[ ] Buy Bins for rooms
[ ] Buy Cleaning products and sponges - dettol antibac wipes
[ ] Scissors - general

Waaaaa so much to do tonight and tomorrow morning!!!! I will definitely have to take some pics if my tiny car full of stuff to share on here...

Also, TGIF!

Wednesday 28 January 2015

3 Days and counting

Not long at all now! I'm happy to report that the sofa and snuggle chair we bought on Saturday was successfully delivered on Monday. Yaaaaay!

I've been adding to my to do list, and ticking things off over the past couple of days. I think I'm slowly getting there with packing...

[x] Pack torch
[x] Pack other stationary
[x] Pack pens
[x] Pack car folder
[x] Pack Mugs
[x] Pack scrap book stuff
[x] Pack paper
[x] Pack notepads
[x] Pack workout DVDs
[x] Pack Clean eating recipe book
[x] Pack Big bang theory
[x] Pack HIMYM
[x] Pack whiteboard head
[x] Bras
[x] Underwear
[x] Socks
[ ] Clean hiking boots
[ ] Clear out boot of car
[ ] Back up laptop
[ ] Use bath stuff
[ ] Give away bath stuff
[ ] Take down photos
[ ] Pack clothes
[ ] Pack shoes
[ ] Pack tools
[ ] Pack measuring tape
[ ] Pack whiteboard
[ ] Pack calendar
[ ] Pack straighteners
[ ] Pack makeup
[ ] Pack Nail varnish
[ ] Pack Nail cutters and files
[ ] Pack Onesies
[ ] Pack Hot water bottle
[ ] Pack TOTM stuff
[ ] Pack Laptop and charger
[ ] Pack Chargers
[ ] Pack Extension cables
[ ] Pack Tech book
[ ] Pack External hard drive
[ ] Pack protein
[ ] Pack Protein shaker
[ ] Pack documents folder
[ ] Pack q & a journal
[ ] Pack yoga mat
[ ] Pack weights
[ ] Pack workout clothes
[ ] Buy washing detergent
[ ] kitchen Sink drainer
[ ] Buy Bins for rooms
[ ] Buy Cleaning products and sponges - dettol antibac wipes
[ ] Scissors - general

Whew. Heck of a list!

Any tips for moving out? Let me know in the comments!

Monday 26 January 2015

5 Days and Counting

Move out day is in 5 days. Fiiiive daaaayyyss. I didn't get as much packed as I was expecting to over the weekend (read: nothing packed) so I think it's going to be a long week. To be fair, last night I did sort out my underwear for the week and packed the surplus. So I guess I did do a little bit of packing!

Andrew and I may have fallen in love with a sofa, and I fell head over heels for a little square snuggle chair on saturday. They were in a store called Choice - this is basically a shop that sells Next castoffs at discount prices. This tends to mean that once something is gone, it's not going to be back in stock again. With that in mind, we totally bought them, our first bit of furniture bought together! I can't wait to arrange them in the house and sit on them!!

Now, I know that buying the sofa was a bit pre-emptive. Especially as this is a trial period in the house, however, we would have to buy a sofa at some point anyway soo...why not.

I have a To-Do list of sorts for this week, of all the things I can think of that I need to do before going, and the things I need to pack. Not entirely sure I'll get everything done, but I can give it a go!

[x] Pack Bras
[x] Pack Underwear
[x] Pack Socks
[ ] Clean hiking boots
[ ] Clear out boot of car
[ ] Back up laptop
[ ] Use bath stuff
[ ] Give away bath stuff
[ ] Take down photos
[ ] Pack clothes
[ ] Pack shoes
[ ] Pack pens
[ ] Pack paper
[ ] Pack notepads
[ ] Pack other stationary
[ ] Pack scrap book stuff
[ ] Pack tools
[ ] Pack measuring tape
[ ] Pack whiteboard
[ ] Pack whiteboard head
[ ] Pack calendar
[ ] Pack straighteners
[ ] Pack makeup
[ ] Pack HIMYM
[ ] Pack Big bang theory
[ ] Pack torch
[ ] Pack Nail varnish
[ ] Pack Nail cutters and files
[ ] Pack Onesies
[ ] Pack Clean eating recipe book    
[ ] Pack Hot water bottle
[ ] Pack TOTM stuff
[ ] Pack Laptop and charger
[ ] Pack Chargers
[ ] Pack Extension cables
[ ] Pack Tech book
[ ] Pack External hard drive
[ ] Pack protein
[ ] Pack Protein shaker
[ ] Pack Mugs
[ ] Pack documents folder
[ ] Pack car folder
[ ] Pack q & a journal

I'm certain I'll think of more things I need to pack or do, but that's my list so far!

Kind of wishing I had this week off work to get all of this done...

Thursday 22 January 2015

A Step Forward

I have some pretty exciting news (exciting for me, at least). Me and MrBoop are moving out together at long last! As of 31st of January, we'll be in our own place.  However, for the first month it will be a trial period for us to decide if we want to live there...

A's Grandma is in a home, and her house is empty. So we have been discussing renting it with the rest of the family for some time. The trial period is to see if the location works for us commuting and if we like the area.

I'm so excited about this, I've been writing list after list in a notebook dedicated to this move!!! We decided on the definitive move in date two days ago, and now we have a short amount of time to pack up what we'll need...ETA 9 days and counting!

It's quite hard to consider all of the things I'll need for a month of living somewhere. (Hence the copious amount of lists...). Obviously we wont want to bring everything there until we're sure about staying, so what do you bring with you?

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Becky 0 - 1 Antibiotics

I have Tonsillitis :( waaaaa

Last week I was feeling really headachey and was having hot flushes. I also lost my voice a little bit - though at the time I put this down to talking a lot as I was training the newest member of the team at work. By Friday I was feeling quite rough, sore throat and was feverish in the evening.

Then it was time for the weekend! Saturday was a bit of a busy one, lots of driving on my part. By the evening I was lacking in energy, having headaches and had a sore, swollen throat. Sunday I was convinced I had Tonsillitis and was feeling t e r r i b l e

Monday I didn't go into work, and had a big ladeedah trying to get a doctors appointment last minute. So much effort. I called my local docs repeatedly all morning, couldn't get through. Decided to go to the walk in clinic, but my car battery was dead. Of all the days for it to die... I enlisted the help of a neighbour to jumpstart me (dead battery) and my jumpleads melted and shorted out. car for me. So much for going to the walk in clinic. I was preparing to get the bus into town, and decided to try my local doctors one more time, and finally got through. I was told there was an appointment, but basically I hadn't re-registered at my local doctors surgery since I moved home from uni over a year ago, so I had to go and sort that out before they could actually book me in. Got up to the surgery, filled out the forms blahblahblah, finally got in to see the doctor!

After all that, I was prescribed antibiotics for the tonsillitis. I'm allergic to penicillin, so I have been given a different kind of antibiotic - Erythromycin - and told that a common side effect of it is sickness. JOY. I've been on antibiotics one other time, and they made me really sicks, stomach cramps and vomiting kind of sick. I have a feeling these are the same ones...

Lo and behold, Tuesday evening I saw my dinner for the second time as it came back up. Now I'm not sure if I feel crap because of the pills, or because of the tonsillitis. I'm also not sure if I should go back into work or not - I don't want to pass this onto anyone else, and I also don't want to vomit and be uncomfortable while there and away form home. On the other side, I hate being away from work because of illness and putting more stress on the team by them being a man down. So frustrating!!

Friday 2 January 2015

Resolutions - Old and New

It’s a new year – time to reflect on the goals I set myself at the beginning of 2014!

1. Lose a minimum of 2 stone by the end of July
Well, this was extended to the end of the year…as for how successful I was at it? Let’s say not very. From the beginning of the year to the end of the year I have lost a total of 5 pounds. Doesn’t sound like much, but let’s bear in mind that I was up and down a lot through this year, and the difference between my highest and lowest weight this year was 16 pounds. Rather a lot more…to be perfectly honest, I am glad I managed to actually lose some weight from Jan to the end of 2014. It’s the first year in at least 4 years that I haven’t gained weight so that’s a win to me!

2.       I will pass my driving test this year
I accomplished this in July – I am a fully licenced driver! A big tick for this one.

3.       I will manage my finances better – pay off some debt and amass some savings.
This one is a little trickier…I think I am more aware of my spending habits and consider purchases more before doing them. I did also put money aside this year for things like my car, a holiday, and general savings. I think this one is a partial success, but still a work in progress!

4.       I will look after my skin by moisturising and exfoliating more often
My skin has been much better this year – excluding the occasional outbreak! I don’t really have a skincare routine though, so I think this can still be improved. But again, a success.

5.       I will de-clutter my belongings

Umm…no, I didn’t do this at all. I still need to do it, and I have a to-do list a mile long with tasks pertaining to this!  Failure on this one.

3/5 resolutions is not bad at all! Yay me :) 

It's been a good year, and I've achieved more than I thought I had - which is a good thing. I'm looking forward to seeing what 2015 will bring.

On that note, I have a few resolutions for 2015!

1. I will go hair dye free for a year

2. I will get to the top of Ben Nevis

3. I will be able to run a 10k by the end of the year

4. I will be regularly wearing a UK size 16 by the end of the year

5. I will deep condition my hair once a month

Exciting things. I'm looking forward to working on these goals going forward :) :)

Happy New Year!

Hair Chronicles, Vol #4

Hi all! 

This is the (actual) final Hair Chronicles post. Then you'll be all up to date with my hair history just in time for the New Year...

Catch up:

2014 - A year of Length

As you know, I entered 2014 with dark purple hair. I was fond of this, so it stuck and my hair grew.
I even went up Ben Nevis at the end of March with purple hair.

After a little while I let it fade out, and felt the itching need to dye it again. I was really torn between going light, or going dark. What helped me make the decision was having already made the decision to grow my hair, bleaching it would more or less reverse that process by killing my hair. So dark it was.

I stayed dark through the summer, and just let it fade out to a dark brown. Then I got bored again and decided to play with some bleach...and used it on the ends of my hair. and then just left it to grow...and grow...

Oh, and I also had a haircut for the first time in months and decided to get a full felt soooo much healthier after I got it cut!

I got bored with the colour again and spontaneously picked up a ginger hairdye. It faded pretty quickly, but I have since dyed it the same colour again & had a second haircut - just a trim! 

The ginger-ness really didn't come out well in pictures. I promise you it is quite ginger now. A good Auburn kind of ginger!.

Now for the final, current hair colour on my ever changing noggin:


Now, this colour is particularly significant. If you have ready through all of my Hair Chronicles posts, you have a very good idea of how much I like to change my hair. I have been set a challenge for 2015, I have to go without dying my hair for a year.

So you see, this brown colour is - approximately - the closest to my natural hair colour. It will be my hair colour for the next 365 days as my actual hair colour comes through. I'll be sure to update on this challenge as is progresses...

The challenge was given to me by Pip, who I'm sure will be there to enforce the challenge when I get tempted!

Thanks for reading all of my waffle about my hair, let me know if this was interesting? More like this?