
Monday 30 December 2013

My Christmas

I've seen lots of blogging about Christmas routines and whatnot, so I figured why not!

Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve is my sister's birthday. We always try to make it special for her, so she doesn't get over-shadowed by Christmas too much! We do her presents in the morning, then spend the day playing with/using them. This year her main present was a blue violin, which she was extremely pleased with! Consequently we spent the day learning to play it! Later on she had her choice of take away-Chinese. In previous years we would go to the panto, but as sisterbell got older and tickets harder to get, we stopped going. (Which is a shame as I love a bit of panto!) in the evening we have family movie time, which is usually a new film on Filmflex that none of has seen yet. And, of course, this is accompanied by nibbles!

Christmas Day
Christmas morning I get woken up by my sister super early. It's a Christmas tradition from when we were all really small to open our stockings together. We used to do this with our parents as well, but as we got a bit older me and my siblings convene in one of our bedrooms and do it (so my parents can sleep for a little bit longer!!). My brother doesn't do this with us anymore (he prefers sleeping too) so it's just K and me. As we share a bedroom I don't get a choice in the matter! Once this is done, We sneak downstairs to see what Santa has brought during the night, and make tea to wake up the parentals with. usually. This year K couldn't wait so she went to wake them up before going downstairs. This year we did presents before breakfast, K passed the pressies out and we watched each other open them. then we had a lovely continental breakfast. Super yum! 

During the day we explore our presents and use/play with them, and pop on some Christmas TV or films. I also help with the Christmas dinner (sometimes!). Christmas dinner kicks off with crackers, jokes and paper hats. Then we eat to our hearts content! Afterwards we clean up, and have some yummy dessert-this year it was chocolate Birthday cake! One of my favorite Christmas things is having cheese and biscuits with my Dad. It's something we only ever do at Christmas, and I'm a huge cheese lover. 

In the evening it's time for boards games and movies, usually another new movie from Filmflex! with, of course, lots of nibbles! 

That more or less rounds off my christmas. It may not sound like much, but I love it all the same! 

P.S. I was very lucky to receive some lovely pressies this year. I got LOTS of socks I love socks, I don't know why ; a dress, top, chocolate, bath  fizzers, a photo calendar, a photo coaster, money, a necklace, makeup, more chocolate...the list goes on. 

I had a lovely Christmas and received some lovely gifts, and I am looking forward to next Christmas already!!

Saturday 28 December 2013

It's the little things...

That make me happy.

Just had a big dinner of pasta bake with meatballs, (yum) and then mum asks the question 'apple tart or jam roly poly?' I jumped up shouting 'jam roly poly and custard!!'. The prospect of eating a super yummy desert made me so happy.  I just had to write about it.

Clearly I have a food problem. Getting excited about a meal just proves this...

This got me thinking about desserts and what traditional holiday desserts other people have. Surely it isn't just my family that have special desserts... (excluding Christmas pudding and Christmas cake, of course)

Here's a few of my favorite Christmas desserts:

Jam roly poly (duh)

Apple crumble

Cheese and crackers (not technically a dessert, but I have it in the evening on Christmas day)

Birthday cake (mini-me's birthday is Christmas Eve, still counts as a holiday dessert, right?)

What are your favourite holiday desserts?

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Driving Time!

Had a driving lesson today (woo).

I always envisioned myself already driving by this point, but alas, it has not happened. Circumstances delayed me from passing, the main one is lack of funding!

I did lessons about 3-4 years ago, then stopped to go to uni, then halfway through uni I did some more lessons, then stopped because I couldn't afford it. THEN when uni finished I did my theory test (and passed), which brings us to now, when I am finally on the home stretch towards doing my practical test.

The plan is, aim to pass by the end of February, then save up for my insurance, and then insure self on car (provided by Mum when she gets a new one), and be a driver thereafter. Once this happens, I'll be the proud owner of Tullulah, the Nissan Micra.

Happy Days!

If it all goes to plan.

Which it will...

Thursday 12 December 2013

Commutting vs Moving

Why am I doing this? It's still nighttime outside! Utter darkness! Today feels worse than all other days because I'm staying work am hour early so I can make it home in time for my sister's school Christmas concert. Thanks a bunch, sis.
I do actually know why I'm doing this. To get to my job. Which I love (but sometimes don't). To earn money, so I can actually afford my train and bus fare to work, and rent. All of which make half my pay disappear monthly. I don't actually mind paying my parents rent, I'm just whining about money! A lot of the time I think I may as well be living in London and paying rent there. Ergo avoiding the stress of delayed trains when commuting from a distance.
However, (there's always one of those lurking somewhere) it would mean more living expenses of I were to do that. Bills, council tax, food, blah blah... These added on outweigh the cost of living at home significantly. Unless I flatshare/houseshare, which would be difficult if living with strangers, as I would have a frequent visiting boyfriend. Awkward.
I think this will take lots of deep thinking and list-making. And talking to people. Especially the important ones like boyfriend and parents.
Why can't I have teleportation powers?

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Gym Stuff

I have a gym membership! woo!

It's a brand new 24/7 gym, so I can actually go anytime outside of my work hours (yay). Only problem so far, is the staffed hours are 10am - 6pm, and I work 9-6, and don't get back until 7:30pm. So I cant have my induction until this weekend! So I cant use the gym until then!

Weirdest thing happened, the Assistant Manager of the gym turns out to be a friend from school! such a small world. (not really, same town) so that was a nice surprise. She's my account manager, so will be doing my induction-more catch-up time!

I always find it really bizarre when things like that happen,  it's like life is throwing you down memory lane...

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Work-Related Jargon

I like my job.

It's based in London, and the people are all great, and I'm gaining some good experience. The commute is a bit of a pain at times, but at other times it's great because I can read uninterrupted for an hour! Additional to reading time, once I procure a tablet I can catch up on the monumental list of TV programs I need to watch! (I will list these at another time!) I could, of course, use my laptop. However I don't fancy carrying this around with me!

Another (debatable) good thing about work is the weekly food shop. yay for free food! We order food for the office, which generally consists of tea, coffee, bagels, alcohol and biscuits. (and various breakfast & luncheon items). Now, I love biscuits. I could eat a whole packet to myself very easily. Can you spot the problem? 

I have no willpower. At all. This is why I'm fat.

So having biscuits just sitting in the kitchen is not helping! I'm not eating packets of them (obviously-that would squander the office's biscuit supply!) but it is still so unbelievably tempting to eat them. Om Nom Nom. To avoid the biscuits I am attempting to eat fruit to fill me up. This doesn't always work, as when I am waiting for my lunch to finish cooking/toasting/whatnot I reach for the biccys out of boredom & hunger!

Such a derp-head.

I will never fit into any of my old wardrobe at this rate...